Today, as I sat and watched my darling, monstrous Preston enjoy a pretzel at the water park, I was reminded that it truly is The Simple Things in life that matter most. The look of pure joy as he chewed on his pretzel will be forever etched in my memory as a reminder to not lose focus on, or take for granted, The Simple Things in life.
My list of The Simple Things:
-spending the summers with your kiddos
-sharing a sappy movie with your best gal pals
-savoring a strawberry cheesequake blizzard, especially after remembering you haven't had one of those since that night almost 6 yrs ago that your momma was in the hospital and wanting a treat from Dairy Queen
-hearing your youngest son scream for chocolate milk as soon as he is somewhat coherent every morning . . . cracks me up that this happens EVERYDAY.
-seeing your kiddos smile at you
-the smell of rain
-the laughter of babies . . . you can't help but laugh yourself when you hear that baby belly laugh
-true friends
-late night chats
-getting sweet hugs and kisses from those same kiddos that you wanted to strangle only a few minutes ago
-your own bed
-a clean house
-watching your 3 amazing kiddos grow and learn and just . . . be
-summer nights
-flip-flops (speaking of which, for the life of me, I can't figure out how one little navy blue flip flop can disappear without a trace)
-getting comments on your blog (hint hint)
-sunshine . . . in whatever form it takes (literal or not) that brings a smile to your face
Take pleasure in The Simple Things . . . always.
(And don't forget to tell me about them . . . in the comments section below! Ha ha)

great blog kel, i love this. Sometimes we overlook the simple things to get to the fancier things in life. Its a good reminder that the simple things are the ones that our children will forget. Its about spending time with them and doing fun things together. Thanks for this blog!!! Love ya