Nothing I could have imagined or dreamt could have prepared me for that moment when I held my first child. From that one moment, I would never be the same. In those first few months of parenthood, Jerry and I would argue and race to see who could get to her first . . . we just couldn't get enough . . . we wanted every single moment.
In that one moment, I finally understood what it meant to love something or someone so fiercely you would give your own life. I understood the sacrifices my own momma had made . . . the pride . . . the love . . . the fear . . .
In that moment, I became so much more than I ever knew I could be. I was her mother . . . how incredibly amazing. In that moment, I saw pink (and lots of it), I saw pigtails and frilly dresses. I saw shopping trips and slumber parties . . . I saw me as I never had before. I was now her mother.
And in every single moment since, I have thanked God for this awesome privilege and blessing. What a gift it is to be her mother . . . every single moment.

Aaaah great blog! It is truly amazing how that one momment can change EVERYTHING! I think every Mother has had those same feelings!:)